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Add a confidence interval to a spectral estimate assuming the uncertainty of the spectral estimates follows a chi-squared distribution with the degrees of the freedom from the spectral estimates.


AddConfInterval(spec, pval = 0.05, MINVALUE = 1e-10)



a spectral object of class "spec" or a list with the minimum components spec and dof which are vectors of the same length giving the spectral estimates and the corresponding degrees of freedom.


numeric; p value for the confidence interval, i.e. the interval is constructed from pval / 2 to 1 - pval / 2.


numeric; minimum value to limit the confidence interval.


the input object including the new list elements lim.1 and lim.2 giving the upper and lower bound of the confidence interval, respectively.


Thomas Laepple


N.R <- 1000
N.T <- 100
save.spec <- matrix(NA, N.T / 2, N.R)
for (i.R in 1 : N.R) {
  save.spec[, i.R] <- SpecMTM(ts(SimPowerlaw(1, N.T)))$spec

q.empirical <- apply(save.spec, 1, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975))
testspec <- SpecMTM(ts(SimPowerlaw(1, N.T)))

LPlot(AddConfInterval(testspec), ylim = c(0.05, 10))
lines(testspec$freq, q.empirical[1, ], col = "red")
lines(testspec$freq, q.empirical[2, ],col = "red")
legend("bottomleft", lwd = 2, col = c("black", "red"),
       legend = c("one realization with chisq conf intervals",
                  "MC confidence intervals"))