Average an irregular timeseries to a regular timeseries
Make an irregular timeseries equidistant by interpolating to high resolution, lowpass filtering to the Nyquist frequency, and subsampling; e.g. as used in Huybers and Laepple, EPSL 2014
- t.x
vector of timepoints
- t.y
vector of corresponding values
- dt
target timestep; can be omitted if time.target is supplied
- time.target
time vector to which timeseries should be averaged/interpolated to by default the same range as t.x with a timestep dt
- dt.hres
timestep of the intermediate high-resolution interpolation. Should be smaller than the smallest timestep
- bFilter
(TRUE) low passs filter the data to avoid aliasing, (FALSE) just interpolate
- k
scaling factor for the Length of the filter (increasing creates a sharper filter, thus less aliasing)
- kf
scaling factor for the lowpass frequency; 1 = Nyquist, 1.2 = 1.2xNyquist is a tradeoff between reducing variance loss and keeping aliasing small
- method.interpolation
'linear' or 'constant', see approx
- method.filter
To avoid loosing data at the ends of the dataset, endpoint constrains are used (see ApplyFilter) no constraint (loss at both ends) (method=0), only works if t.x covers more time than time.target minimum norm constraint (method=1) minimum slope constraint (method=2) minimum roughness constraint (method=3) circular filtering (method=4)