Bin a Timeseries Preserving Empty Bins
Convert a continuous time series to a discrete (regular) timeseries by binning, preserving any empty bins. Additionally returns the number of data points in each bin
x <- cumsum(rgamma(20, shape = 1.5, rate = 1.5/10))
y <- SimProxySeries(a = 0.1, b = 1, t.smpl = x)
BinTimeseries(x, y, bin.width = 15)
#> time bin mean.time mean.value n.bin bin.width
#> (-1,14] 6.5 (-1,14] 8.911319 1.23548087 2 15
#> (14,29] 21.5 (14,29] 23.495638 0.30035676 3 15
#> (29,44] 36.5 (29,44] 37.454106 -0.36173796 2 15
#> (44,59] 51.5 (44,59] 52.761917 -0.18800400 2 15
#> (59,74] 66.5 (59,74] NA NA NA 15
#> (74,89] 81.5 (74,89] NA NA NA 15
#> (89,104] 96.5 (89,104] 102.185214 0.63839240 1 15
#> (104,119] 111.5 (104,119] 105.004541 1.47705385 1 15
#> (119,134] 126.5 (119,134] 127.412123 0.29789540 2 15
#> (134,149] 141.5 (134,149] 143.144083 0.25594339 2 15
#> (149,164] 156.5 (149,164] 156.682514 0.40732420 1 15
#> (164,179] 171.5 (164,179] 170.969416 -0.58650218 3 15
#> (179,194] 186.5 (179,194] 182.204167 0.04149092 1 15